How To Study in Order to Get Your Pilot License


Are you thinking about studying to become a pilot? There are many details and procedures you’ll need to know in order to get your pilot licence.


Becoming a pilot isn’t something you can do in a short period of time. Don’t put unrealistic expectations on yourself to be able to accomplish this in less than a month. Very few (if any) people are able to become pilots in such a short period of time. Give yourself a realistic goal when you begin, such as 3 months… or even better… 6 months. In this timeframe, anyone who works hard and gets organized well should be able to become a pilot. (Some people take years to become a pilot!)


If you want to become a pilot, the first thing you should do is to get yourself organized. Don’t make any decisions on which school to go to, or when to start your flight training, or anything too quickly. Take a couple weeks to organize your research you find and put things into categories. Once you take the time to understand the process, you will have a much better grasp on the steps you’ll have to take to accomplish your goal of becoming a pilot. Some of your first steps would be to understand the legal requirements in order to become a pilot. Remember what these are and don’t let yourself get deterred into a program or a pilot training course that deviates you away from these legal requirements. After all, these legal requirements are there for a reason: so find a training course that will not take you off on a tangent.


If you think about it, this is what we tend to do naturally if we want to succeed at something. Runners never begin their training at the starting line to a marathon. However, some people think diving in and getting into flight lessons and ground school is the best for them. What happens most times is that the student gets overwhelmed with all the new information and then takes longer to process everything all at once. Why set yourself up to fail? If you start small, then succeed at those small steps, you are getting yourself further ahead in the long run compared to those who just dive in. Set yourself an action plan that you know you can dedicate the proper amount of time towards accomplishing. What good are flight training lessons and ground school all at once if you can’t do the proper study work at home to keep up with the new information you are processing?


The best way for students learning how to fly a plane is through a wide and shallow knowledge approach. Get a range of material but just a basic understanding of it all before you go deeper into each subject. If you take a Narrow and Deep approach, you will certainly understand one aspect very well, but it will keep you back from learning all the procedures you require in order to get up in the air. If you try to go Wide and Deep with your approach to learning, you’ll probably hold yourself back longer since you won’t be able to build on previous knowledge. Building on what you understand allows the web of learning to develop in your mind’s eye and will help you accomplish your goal quicker.


Find a place where you can get a Study Guide for your flight training in order to start things off on the right foot. Don’t overwhelm yourself with too much too quickly or else you’ll just be wasting your time. Take small chunks of information and allow your brain to work on understanding it before you move on too quickly. Don’t start with a huge flight training manual that goes too deep into each subject… what you want are the basics, then build yourself up on this solid foundation. You can check out Flight School HQ if you want a step by step process on how to become a pilot.


Source by Paul W King

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