Learning to Fly – Private Aircraft


Most people look at learning to fly and becoming a private pilot as an overly expensive and complicated process available only to an exclusive few. The reality is that most potential pilots give up either because they're not sure they can commit their time and money to training or that they are even capable of doing it.

The best advice for someone who is considering learning to fly is to purchase a trial lesson (which cost anywhere from £ 70 – £ 150 depending on the duration), this is a very worthwhile investment in making your decision, you will be flying with a qualified instructor and in an aircraft similar to that in which you will complete your flight training should you wish to proceed.

You may well have heard of a 'Private Pilot License' often abbreviated as just PPL. This is the first license that prospective students train for and will enable you to operate aircraft for private recreational use. This encompasses anything from flying around your local area to flying internationally. This is also the first stage for those wishing to train as a professional pilot using the modular route.

On the subject of cost, in the UK an all-inclusive price of £ 6,000 is quite reasonable. This may sound like a lot of money to spend all at once, but remember that if you train part-time during your free time this would be spread over a year to two years. You can cut this cost by about 40% if you choose to train abroad, more information is given on the website mentioned below.

There are thousands of qualified private pilots in the UK, all from a range of different backgrounds. There is not only that satisfaction of being a pilot pilot but also the freedom to travel wherever in the world you want, so where you take it is only limited by what you want from it

As you can imagine the course for a Private Pilot License consists of training with a qualified instructor, studying for and passing theory exams and practical tests. It is a challenging, but extremely rewarding course. During this time you will go from knowing nothing (or very little), through to becoming fully qualified.


Source by David Philip

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